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Curriculum & 360 Degree Assessment
Foster Kids Preschool has planned curriculum which rests on the foundation of these three strong pillars:
Sports & Co-curricular Activities
Howard Gardner Theory of Multiple Intelligence
Seven Feathers Program
We at Foster Kids take care the holistic growth of Child.
Language Development
Cognitive Development
Social-Emotional Development
Fine/Gross Motor Development
Personal Awareness
Problem Solving Attitude
Creative Development
Curriculum taking care of all these seven aspects is the best preschool curriculum that can be followed for a child’s overall development at initial years. These seven feathers also focus on making a child understand how they can coordinate their mind, body and senses well. This makes them a confident and responsible individual.
360 Degree Assessment Model
Gross & Fine Motor Skills
Language Development
Mathematical Development
Experience & Presentation Skills
Music & Dance
Social & Emotional Development
Habits of Work
Cognitive Development
The tool to make this 360 Degree Assessment look real is the reflective report cards prepared by teachers at Foster Kids. The report cards signal growth and learning of a child and is compiled in the months of September, December and March. It is shared with the parents and a detailed discussion between parents and teachers is encouraged for oozing out the best out of this reflective report card.